Colleen's Kudos and Rants

All about things that *really* tick me off and things that I really like.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

I Swear - the Grammys are Fixed

Okay, so I'm not much of a blogger. However, I wanted to sent this opinion out the the etherworld!

I swear. The Grammys are fixed. If the Dixie Chicks can win 2 Grammys - one for the song "Not Ready to Make Nice" and one for the album that spawned that, something has to be "fishy in the state of Denmark".

Personally, I think they are all ignorant specimens for something that is called a musical group. After their public negative and rude comments about President Bush and after their songs were supposedly banned by many radio stations, I just don't see how they can win a Grammy for "Not Ready to Make Nice" considering what the song was supposed to portray.

I would never buy a Dixie Chicks album and I hope their musical career is very shortly flushed down the crapper where it deserves to be, in my opinion!

In closing, I have one thing to say - "Long live Toby Keith and everything he stands for and FU Dixie Chicks"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger Moe Blow said...

It only took the United States three years to figure out that the Chicks were right. Too bad you're not one of them.

I have to ask -- why is it that "disrespect" bothers you ...but an unlawful war that's killed thousands of Americans and wounded far more, a war that's wasted a trillion dollars (maybe 2), a war based on admitted and proven lies ...that doesn't bother you at all?

How does that happen?

You hope their careers are short-lived? I wouldn't hold my breath, kiddo, they just won a Grammy. That's a lifetime carte blanche to do whatever they want and know they'll be perpetually bankable.

Hugs and Kisses,

PS: Go ahead, delete this message, Republicans are best when they're pretending the truth doesn't exist.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Colleen said...

I'm not American - I'm Canadian. I think the reason for starting the war in Afghanistan was valid. After 9/11, the U.S. couldn't just sit back and pretend nothing happened. I am also glad that Saddam Hussein was overthrown - he was an egomaniac and a despot that needed to be dealt with.

Having said that, I am truly sorry for all the Americans that have lost their lives in Iraq. I don't care if the Dixie Chicks disagree with the war in Iraq and don't like President Bush. Many performers (and others) are in the same camp. However, no one was as ignorant as the Dixie Chicks in expressing their views.

Another reason that I think they are pigs is because they "dissed" Toby Keith for all the world to see when they were shown via satellite on some award show wearing tee-shirts that said FU TK.

They assumed that Toby Keith was pro President Bush, when in essence, he is supporting the troups in Iraq more than the idea that the war is right.

So put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Hugs and kisses back,


11:32 PM  
Blogger Moe Blow said...

Colleen wrote:
"I think the reason for starting the war in Afghanistan was valid. After 9/11, the U.S. couldn't just sit back and pretend nothing happened."

Have you forgotten that Democrats and most of the world supported Bush in Afghanistan. Too bad that's going to hell as well...

"I am also glad that Saddam Hussein was overthrown - he was an egomaniac and a despot that needed to be dealt with."

OK. So you support invading North Korea? And Saudi Arabia? And Turkey?

Wups, the last two are allies. My bad.

So ...let me see if I have this straight...

You think overthrowing Saddam was worth 3,000 dead, 15,000 injured and 1-2 trillion dollars?

Really? I don't.

But then again neither do a majority of Americans (and a vast majority of the rest of the planet). Same drill as usual -- progressive voices leading the way and the conservative ones taking 4-50 years to catch up.

And for what? Bush has gotten precisely everything he's wanted for four years and Iraq is 2 years into a civil war. Iraq has become both a breeding AND training ground for terrorism. Get it? We're less safe now.

Don't believe me, believe the United States Army War College. Or the bipartisan Iraq Study group. Or pretty much anybody who knows anything and isn't in the Bush administration.

How stupid are you, really?

"Having said that, I am truly sorry for all the Americans that have lost their lives in Iraq."

No you're not.

"Many performers (and others) are in the same camp. However, no one was as ignorant as the Dixie Chicks in expressing their views."

Again, you see ignorance in being vocal but no ignorance in a debacle of a war that has killed thousands?

Love your priorities.

"Another reason that I think they are pigs is because they "dissed" Toby Keith for all the world to see when they were shown via satellite on some award show wearing tee-shirts that said FU TK.

Aww. Life is hard, buy a helmet.

"They assumed that Toby Keith was pro President Bush, when in essence, he is supporting the troups in Iraq more than the idea that the war is right."

Maybe supporting the troops means removing them from the killing fields. I know, novel thought, eh?

And while we're on the subject, why did it take Keith 4 years to say he doesn't support the war? I'll give you one guess (and it rhymes with "funny").

So now he supports the troops but not what they're doing? Why does Toby Keith hate the troops so much?

"So put that in your pipe and smoke it!"

If you actually brought anything to smoke, maybe I'd consider it.

I'm done making you look foolish, but here's a parting shot.

"I’ll bury her. She has never written anything that’s been a hit. - Toby Keith



10:31 AM  
Blogger Colleen said...


Obviously, you're a Pixie Dicks (deliberate typo) fan or you wouldn't be going on an on about this. No matter .... I think they stink, but you don't have to.

You are also entitled to your opinion, but I hate people that think their opinion is the only right one and apparently, you fall into that category.

"I am also glad that Saddam Hussein was overthrown - he was an egomaniac and a despot that needed to be dealt with."

"OK. So you support invading North Korea? And Saudi Arabia? And Turkey?"

I made one comment about being glad Saddam Hussein was overthrown and right away, you assume that I am a war-monger. I don't give a darn what you think and I am still glad that Hussein was overthrown. Maybe you would have been happier if he was left in power and launched a nuclear weapon at the U.S.

"Having said that, I am truly sorry for all the Americans that have lost their lives in Iraq."

"No you're not."

How the heck would you know? I'm also sorry for the Canadians, whom I don't know, but are my countrymen that were killed by American friendly fire. But I'm not taking pot-shots at you because you happen to be American!

"I'm done making you look foolish, but here's a parting shot."

Well, I'd rather be a fool that have tunnel-vision like you!

My original post was never about the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. You were the one that started that. Whether or not I agree with the wars (I still think that the original reason for attacking Afghanistan was valid and I'm still glad Hussein was overthrown) was not the point, the point was that I think the way the Pixie Dicks expressed their disagreement was ignorant.

For what it's worth, I think the war in Iraq has outlived it's usefullness, but I have no input on decision making. Since I'm not American, I can't even wield my clout with a vote. The only thing that I *can* claim to be is a supporter of the U.S.

And as a parting comment: Personally, I think that all the perpetrators behind 9/11 and all the zealots in Iraq should be rounded up, dropped in a hole in some remote location and nuked! That's my opinion ... disagree if you want, but keep it to yourself 'cause I'm damn well not interested in your opinion!


8:09 AM  
Blogger Moe Blow said...

Colleen writes:
"Obviously, you're a Pixie Dicks (deliberate typo)..."

I stopped doing this sort of crap in the fourth grade.

" or you wouldn't be going on an on about this."

Your powers of reason continue to suck. I don't like country. I couldn't name a single song of theirs.

Does it occur to you that I could be standing up for the DC's without being a fan of their music? Of course it doesn't. Because in your world, personal loyalties come before annoying stuff like "facts" and "truth."

"You are also entitled to your opinion, but I hate people that think their opinion is the only right one and apparently, you fall into that category."

Oh, that's rich. Kettle, meet pot.

What part of my reply is opinion?

That Iraq is deteriorating?

That most of the world supported Bush in Afghanistan?

That the war will cost betwee 1 and 2 trillion dollars.

That 3,000+ American troops have died and 15,000 are injured?

That Bush has screwed up this war despite having 100% control over it, even to this day?

That the United States Army War College has reported that we, as a country, are less safe due to the war in Iraq?

Please, let me know which "opinion" of mine is wrong.

"I made one comment about being glad Saddam Hussein was overthrown and right away, you assume that I am a war-monger."

No, you wrote "I am also glad that Saddam Hussein was overthrown - he was an egomaniac and a despot that needed to be dealt with."

If a dictator "needs to be dealt with" if he is an ecomaniac and a despot (your justification for the war), then it is fairly obvious that there are plenty for us to attack.

Logic can be a real b*tch.

"I don't give a darn what you think and I am still glad that Hussein was overthrown. Maybe you would have been happier if he was left in power and launched a nuclear weapon at the U.S."

Are the Republicans still trying to trot out this old chestnut?

Colleen wrote:
"Having said that, I am truly sorry for all the Americans that have lost their lives in Iraq."

I replied:
"No you're not."

Colleen retorted:
"How the heck would you know?"

OK, I'll bite.

It would be reasonable to assume that if a person were "truly sorry" about something, anything, they'd do something about it. Maybe write the families a "thank you for your sacrifice" letter. Or perhaps donate to the local VFW. SOMETHING.

So here's your chance to prove me wrong. Tell me, what exactly have you done to help, personally, the families of the dead and injured soldiers?

Put up or shut up, Colleen.

"...the point was that I think the way the Pixie Dicks expressed their disagreement was ignorant."

Yes, I remember, and my original point is that if you can get your panties in such an uproar over the indelicate way in which they stated their opinion, why don't you get into just as much a frenzy over thousands of dead?

You still never addressed that, did you?

"Personally, I think that all the perpetrators behind 9/11 and all the zealots in Iraq should be rounded up, dropped in a hole in some remote location and nuked!"

But you don't, apparently, have too much concern about the hundred thousand (or so) innocent civilians who died while Bush tried -- and failed -- to achieve this goal.

So myopic.

"That's my opinion ... disagree if you want, but keep it to yourself 'cause I'm damn well not interested in your opinion!"

Ah, my favorite sort of Republican. The one who will reply to you three times and loudly announce they don't care about your opinion.

If you didn't care, you wouldn't have replied.

And now you're in quite a pinch, aren't you Colleen? If "truly sorry" doesn't amount to any action on your parts, it doesn't really seem "truly sorry," does it?

I suspect you'll stammer and whine that you don't have to prove anything to me. But then it'll be obvious that your "truly sorry," like every other war supporter, is a load of baloney.


7:39 PM  

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