Colleen's Kudos and Rants

All about things that *really* tick me off and things that I really like.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

On the Band Wagon

I really hate people that think that their's is the only opinion that is right and they demean other people whose views are different from theirs!! In my opinion, they are the worst bigots alive.

So, what has got me on my high horse today? The answer is Toby Keith.

I love Toby Keith's music. I knew of him, but knew very little of his music until a few months ago. Then, I saw Toby perform with his daughter on an award show. The song was "Mockingbird". I liked the rendition so much that I went out and bought a CD with the song on it. That gave me a new appreciation of Toby's talents.

When his new CD "White Trash with Money" appeared on the shelves at Best Buy, I grabbed it without blinking an eye. I love the CD. The musical arrangement on "A Little Too Late" is out of this world. Granted, some of the songs are frivolous, but in typical Toby style, there is one song that brings tears to my eyes and this is standard with every Toby Keith CD that I have. The specific song that I'm talking about on "White Trash with Money" is "Ain't No Right Way". All you have to do is listen to the song and you'll realize that Toby is singing about some down to earth issues!

Lately, I've read some posts on Amazon, most of which have dissed Toby and his music, especially "White Trash With Money" and this really ticks (alternatively, insert appropriate cuss word here) me off! Everyone is entitled to their own views and it's not so much the dissenting opinions that I object to; it's the fact that, with rare exception, the posters have all implied that if you like Toby Keith, you don't have a brain or any taste in music. One went so far as to mention that the only good music is music from the likes of Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline. Another stated that "country music is dead". Another alluded to a lack of intellect that was depicted by a string of garbled text.

Don't get me wrong, I like Patsy Cline and Johnny Cash. I have CD's from these artists. I have wide tastes in music, which includes classical, bluegrass, country, jazz, disco, and even some rap. However, I love Toby Keith's music and make absolutely no apologies for it. Toby is a great artist. The awards that he has won say that I am not the only one that thinks so. Plus, Toby wouldn't have a career if some savvy person hadn't recognized his talent intially. There are many more "one record wonders" than artists that have the longevity that Toby has had.

My last point is for all the morons that have insinuated that Toby doesn't have any talent. Have you even listened to the words to some of his songs? If you have half a brain, you have to understand what he's saying in songs like "Courtesy of the Red White and Blue". This song exudes patriotism. I'm not American, but I get shivers when I listen to this song. I think the perpetrators behind 9/11 deserve the proverbial "boot in the ass" that Toby sings about and the liberty bell clanging in the background adds power to the song. I'm truly sorry that so many Americans have been killed in Afghanistan and Iraq, but I'm glad that Hussein has been dealt with - he is an egomaniacal despot that deserves a much worse fate than he has been dealt, in my opinion.

In the song "Ain't no Right Way", Toby deals with issues like teenage motherhood, child beating and whether or not prayer has a place in schools. These are all down to earth issues. Things like child abuse go on every day - I know, I work for a Children's service agency and you would not believe some of the things that people do to their children. Unless you are intellectually challenged, you have to get the meaning behind this song. Granted, Toby isn't the first to write about the subject of child abuse - Martina McBride does the subject justice in "Concrete Angel". Just because Toby has the guts to express his patriotism and views in a way that isn't "mealy-mouthed" doesn't mean that he should be dissed for it or labelled as lacking talent!

So, KUDOS to Toby and his music!

In closing, I have one thing to say - FU DC (and the DC does not stand for "District of Columbia"!!)